Tuesday 5 September 2017

'Material Worlds of Jane Austen' Exhibition - a Peek at Preparations

Despite some cross-over of material between the recent Festival of Archaeology 'Archaeology of the Austen Age' exhibition, and the forthcoming Heritage Open Days event, 'Material Worlds of Jane Austen' (Sun. 10 Sept., 6.30-8.30pm, Derby), there's been much to do over the intervening weeks - and still more to finish.

Developments include various improvements to the 'set' to enhance 'atmosphere' (such as installation of new lighting); acquisition of many new Georgian artefacts (such as tea kettle & coffee pot, and punch bowls), and other period sources (having found more illustrations to enrich the existing collection), for display; and clothing alterations (I have obtained more appropriate footwear, and completed modifications to my chemisette, though have yet to complete amendments to my gown, to make it more suitable for cooler weather).

My reader may glimpse through the keyhole to witness these busy beginnings by visiting this site.

Goodbye, for now!

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