Friday 27 March 2020

Again, it's been a while. I had hoped to open the doors of the Antiquarian Academy once more back in summer 2019, after taking a trip for recuperation, but during which I took a turn for the worse, and returned home in even poorer health. This necessitated cancellation of the Heritage Open Days event I was hoping to host, and the Autumn / Winter teaching that I'd planned.

Since then I've undertaken specialist rehabilitation for the 'frail' and fatigued, and have been attempting to put into practice the guidance provided (I must now take this chance to say thanks to the fabulous staff at the RDH & LRCH - especially the two 'H's). This has enabled me to prepare for returning to teaching & some community work (though much fieldwork is now unfortunately beyond me for the foreseeable future). Frustratingly (I'm still working on the change of mindset required for the change of pace), from now on this must necessarily be less intensive & at a slower pace than previously.

Due to my prolonged 'sick leave' a large back-log of work has accumulated - especially that relating to the community projects with which I'm involved (being unavailable to train and manage volunteers to take up the slack), which will take quite a while to complete / write-up. Unable to do more than occasional teaching, I've also been without regular earnings for some time, so in preparing my occupational return I've had to prioritise professional employment.

To this aim, I've spent much time exploring and developing new approaches that easily accommodate additional disabilities in ways that wouldn't compromise either quality and content, or the enjoyment or achievements of prospective event / resource participants and audiences; and that require the absolute minimum of adjustments (principally being able to sit when required). 

This process has incorporate re-building my Material Pasts teaching website. The primary content is nearly completed, though the site still under construction while I add a little more information and fix broken links. There will be a wide range of new prospective events open for commission; and I'm just about in a position to follow-up some of the expressions of interest received last year. 

However, the current pandemic crisis means that this will all have to go on hold, and I must now focus my attention on again modifying teaching practice given the widespread restrictions that prevent many from working 'normally' (I'll discuss this more in a following post). So after nearly two years planning and preparing, it's back to the drawing board. But I have quite a few ideas that I'm starting to get excited about - so keep checking back (and / or join the mailing lists / follow the blog) here, on the Material Pasts website, and on social media, for updates.

I hope to be able to soon offer a number of free virtual events and resources (and may have some payed events & resources - the profits from which I intend to donate to relevant charities), that might go some way to keeping people entertained, thinking, and engaged with the historic environment, while confined to quarters.

More on these in a following post.

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